Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Cat!

So, I was out at the farm taking care of Ruby, and when I went to grab her hay out of the main trough and put in in her personal feed trough, I saw a cat laying down in the hay, shivering cold, and desperately trying to stay warm. She started meowing, which attracted the attention of the two springer spaniels. They immediately were trying to jump on the hay to get at her, and she had to run to the top of the stack of hay bales to escape from them. Mind you, the hay bales stack about 8 feet tall. I shooed the dogs off, and grabbed a thick leather hide glove and cimbed up to go get her. The glove was just in case she was a legitimate farm cat and tried clawing or biting, because those things can be mean as fuck. Sydney (one of the spaniels) broke his way back into the barn and took a flying leap to get on one of the bales, and climbed his way up to the top. The poor cat had to get up into the rafters to get away from him. I had to climb up on the very top bale--talk about sketchy as fuck! That whole pile was wobbling!-- to yank her off the rafters. She had her claws dug into the wood pretty damn deep. I was kinda worried that she might attack to get away, but I was wrong. As soon as I had her in my arms and tucked her into my coat, she starting purring and nuzzling her head into me. I knew I couldn't leave her out there, so I took her to the car and we left. I knew Eric wasn't going to be too happy with me either, but he would just have to deal.
Once I got her home and got her introduced to Cabela and Sergeant, I gave her some food. I actually had to pick her up and stop her a couple times, because she was eating so fast I was beginning to worry if it was too much for her stomach to handle. She is about the same size as Cabela, but she was about 1/3 of her weight at the time. She was severely dehydrated as well. She is doing wonderful now! She's a very loveable cat, and I think she'll love me forever for saving her life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kitty claws, barn doors, and lost pictures

We finally clipped Cabela's claws yesterday.And when I say "we" I mean "me". I guess Eric helped a little. He held her down after she wormed her way out of my grasp. A little too late to save the furniture though. The armrests on the couches are trashed. And they're leather, so there's not a whole lot we can do to save them. Not to mention we were tired of the fact that she has some odd obsession with attacking our toes in the middle of the night. I must admit, it's pretty funny to watch her try to climb up stuff now. She just slides right off. Earlier today she was laying on the headrest of the recliner, and I went to sit up rather quickly, and I forgot she didn't have the sharp claws needed to stabilize herself, and she got catapulted off. No pun intended. Haha.

JIM FIXED THE BARN DOORS!!! Wooo! Super excited! What really stuns me is that we haven't gotten ANY snow yet. Well, except for that VERY light little dappling we got awhile ago. It melted as soon as it hit the ground, so I don't count it. But hey, that's alright by me. Oddly enough, it just stopped raining a minute or two ago. There were even little hail stones in there! Strange.

And....I think I lost my ultrasound pictures. :(. I can't find them anywhere! I'll have to really start tearing the house up. Maybe I accidentally put them in the office with all the bills. I hope so. I wanted to show them off.

Wish me luck!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Me and Eric are going to have a baby!! We've known for awhile now, but I just never get around to posting anything on here anymore it seems. lol. I am about 9 weeks and a few days along. We had an ultrasound on Thursday, and we heard its heartbeat! I cied I was so happy. Eric just got a great big proud-papa smile on his face. I've heard people say that the higher the heart rate, the more likely chance of it being a girl. Which I hope is not true. lol. Its heartbeat was 176 beats per minute, so if that saying is true, it will most likely be a girl. I WANT A BOY SO BAD. Whatever we end up with will be fine though. But there's no harm in hoping for a boy. hahah. In the end, as long as it is healthy, I will be happy.

My sister and my neice came up for Halloween this year! It was SO good to see them! I didn't do much for Halloween, simply because I can't drink now. lol. That sounds kind of pathetic, huh. Haha.

I'll make sure to get to Eric's parents house and get the ultrasound pictures scanned onto the computer and post it for you guys to see :)

Oh! And the barn doors will hopefully get fixed soon. As long as it's before the first big snowstorm, I'm happy. We already got the whole winter's supply of hay already, so that's out of the way at least.

But I've got to get going, I've got lots to do today.
Catcha later!
